Violins for Sale



Here's a partial list of currently available violins:   

  • Julio Gattone model 100 
This Stradivarius pattern violin looks good and sounds good. It comes as a complete outfit--violin, case, and bow for just $900.
  • Yunzhan Du model 3A
You can see this violin is beautiful, but it also sounds great.  The outfit--violin, case, and bow--is $1480. 



Under $3000

  • Angel Strings model 900

This violin from Angels Strings sounds warm and sweet.  

    • Eastman Strings model 619
    • Camillo Callegari

    Callegari violins  inspire advancing students. The Camillo uses Chinese tonewood. We like the brilliant sound of  this violin.

    Under $3000

    • Ettore Callegari
    • Eastman model 619

    From the Eastman Strings “Master” series.  This violin has a beautiful ringing tone.

    Under $4000

    • Salvatore Callegari
    • Ignazio Emilietti

    Under $5000

    • L. G. Chen

    Under $10,000

    • Angela Testore-villa,  $9,000
    We have one of these hard to come by violins available.  A very small number are made each year in part by apprentices of one of the most highly regarded American violinmakers, the renowned, award winning luthier, Marilyn Wallin.  Ms Wallin then voices of the plates, does the bracing and final assembly.  Next she turns to the finishing work: wood treatment and varnishing for beauty of appearance and tone.  She then sets-up the violin with the most beautiful fittings.  The result is an instrument with an ease of playing and luscious tone similar to Ms. Wallin's signature artist level instruments. This violin is suitable for the most serious students, professionals, or any player who wants the treat of playing an exceptional instrument.